Sunday, March 22, 2009


April 15th, 2009 will mark the 3rd anniversary of our beloved Pizza Club. 
President Elle wants us to have a whole pizza day, where we travel around to various pizza hot spots in Metro Detroit, get a small pizza at every place, and do a ridiculous pizza critique day. I think it sounds pretty rad. Only thing I'm concerned about: how the hell are we going to pay for all of this pizza plus our servers' tips? 
I'm sure we'll figure it out. 
The Pizza Club should have a checking account. Hahaha. 

Also, when I was at work last week, a young couple came in, and we were talking about food. The topic of pizza came up, and we began talking about Pizza Club (no joke, I asked them if they knew anywhere really good, as they sounded like they knew a lot about good pizza). I asked them if they knew where good Chicago deep dish was, and the guy informed me that Uno's Pizza in Sterling Heights tastes EXACTLY the same as the ORIGINAL UNO'S IN CHICAGO. He said him and his buddies go to Chicago and eat there all of the time for the experience, but the pie tastes the same there as it does in good ol' Michigan. 
Good to know. 

Until next time, greasy pizza lovers! 
